
Fillings are a fundamental treatment in dentistry, used to restore teeth damaged by decay back to their normal function and shape. A filling removes the decayed tooth material, cleans the affected area, and then fills the cleaned-out cavity with a filling material. This process repairs the tooth and prevents further decay by closing any cracks or spaces where bacteria can enter.

Types of Fillings and Their Advantages

Fillings come in various materials, each with its unique advantages:

  • Amalgam: Known for its durability and strength, it is ideal for filling cavities in the back teeth where chewing forces are most significant.
  • Composite Resins: Designed to match the color of your teeth, they are less noticeable than other types of fillings and are preferred for visible areas.
  • Gold: Gold fillings are well-tolerated by gum tissues and may last over 20 years.
  • Porcelain: These can be matched to the tooth's color and are resistant to staining.

Signs You May Need a Filling

Indications that you might need a filling include tooth sensitivity, a visible hole or dark spot on your tooth, toothache, pain when you bite down, and floss tearing at a particular tooth.

The Process of Getting a Filling

The procedure for getting a filling involves several steps:

  1. Local Anesthesia: The area around the affected tooth is numbed.
  2. Removal of Decay: The dentist will remove the decayed tooth material.
  3. Cleaning the Cavity: After removing the decay, the cavity is cleaned to prepare for the filling.
  4. Applying the Filling: The filling material is applied to the cavity, filling the space and restoring the tooth's shape.
  5. Polishing: Finally, the filled tooth is polished to ensure a smooth surface.

Aftercare for Fillings

After getting a filling, it’s essential to maintain good oral hygiene, including regular brushing and flossing. You might experience sensitivity immediately after the procedure, but this should subside quickly. Regular dental check-ups are crucial to monitor the integrity of the filling and overall oral health.

Choosing the Right Filling Material

When you have a consultation, we will talk about the best filling material for your particular case, considering factors like the location of the cavity, the extent of the decay, any allergies to materials, and cosmetic considerations.

Our Commitment to Your Dental Health

Our dental practice is committed to restoring and maintaining your oral health. We use state-of-the-art materials and techniques to make your fillings functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Scheduling Your Filling Appointment

If you suspect you need a filling, do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to provide comprehensive care and ensure your teeth remain healthy and strong. Schedule an appointment today to address any dental concerns and restore the integrity of your teeth with high-quality fillings.